CPHMA BAI (Premix)
PREMIX® or can be called RMA (Ready Mix Asphalt) is a ready mixture of Cold Paving Hot Mix Asphalt (CPHMA), good for warm conditions (warm mix) and cold (Cold Mix) packed in a sack @ 40 kg. and can be stored up to 6 months during packing is still good or shipped directly bulk when the project location is close to the AMP. Proven to be very suitable for roads with low to medium traffic with vehicle volume below 500 vehicles / day and trucks below 5%.
This type of asbuton can be spread over district roads, environmental roads, roads on remote islands far from AMP as a re-layer above the old road as well as new roads and and very practical for repair / patching potholes. Since 2012 until now this product has been used in district area and city roads in Southeast Sulawesi Province, South Sulawesi, Madura Island, Bali Island and West Java either as a rework / overlay as well as repair / patching potholes.
Void in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) ; % | Min. 16 |
Void in Mix (VIM) ; % | 4-10 |
Voids Filled with Bitumen (VFB) ; % | Min. 60 |
Marshall's stability at air temperature ; Kg | Min. 500 |
Bitumen content in mixture; % | 6-8 |
Residual stability after soaking for 2 x 24 hours at air temperature ; % | Min. 60 |